Saturday, January 24, 2009

I did it...

I wrote the email to end internship with all that's going on in my life..

My grandma came home from the ER and they did x-rays. They told her to go see her doctor on Monday for the results. This has me worried for the fact that when my mom was diagnosed with cancer they had her go to her doctor to give her the news. I need to be with my grandma on Monday so she has someone to lean on if there is bad news. My mom is recently disabled and gets around in a wheelchair (thus one of my reasoning for not going to graduation as discussed at our meeting). My grandma is 84 and started to have signs of dimension/ Alzheimer's and grandpa is 94 and not all there. I feel like if I continue my internship my attention will not be fully focused on where it needs to be. This of course could be worse depending on what happens on Monday at grandma's doctor.

Even if it is something minor I feel that both my grandparents can no longer take care of my mom for extended periods of time. They might make it a week or so, but I can't come home every weekend without being exhausted going back on Sunday night and going to school on Monday to teach. So I think my best interest would be to withdrawal or drop the internship.

I am not sure if this is possible but I'm wondering if UCF would let me do my internship in the county where my mom lives as I know at our internship meeting they said they placed interns in over 30 counties. Who do you think I should contact in order to find out that information? I don't expect to start the internship now upon moving in the next few months, but rather in August of this year. I know it pushes back graduation and completing my degree, but if I'm there in Orlando and something happens to my family I don't think I could forgive myself especially since I know will have no more time to miss.


Rox-Ann said...
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Anonymous said...

Heather, my prayers are definitely with you. I know this was hard for you, take care. I tagged you, but only if you have time, good luck, hon!

Anonymous said...

Heather you did the right thing. I pray that everything works out and you have peace with this difficult decision you had to make. I will miss you here in Orlando but I know we will be in touch.

Anonymous said...

God bless you Heather... will be praying for your grandma and whole family.

Calia Yang said...

hey - thinking about you and your grandma! loads of hugs to you!!