Tuesday, July 29, 2008

postcard points...

Just an update on the points count for the postcard game here on the blog...

Sophia 2pt.
Lisa 2pt.
Arleen 7pts
Suzanne 1pt.
Rox-Ann 1pt.

Update and Postcard #5

Lisa, Arleen, and Sophia got #4

Lisa-interesting on your selection as I was thinking about using a picture from Chillon.

Here's a little more info on this lion shown in postcard #4...

Your next postcard is...

Greetings from "Little Bavaria." Nope didn't make it over to Germany this year, but we tried to come close. We enjoyed Bretzlen from Hoffers, which are the best pretzels this side of the pond. Strangely enough we visited this "G" place during the slow time. October really is the time to visit this women's city...Name the city and state for this one.... We also visited this beautiful state park, actually we had to drive into it to get to our cabin, I thought Ruby might fall there....An extra pt. for you if you can name the state park.... It's unifying!


Arleen correct with city,state, and park 2pts for you!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Postcard Series... #4

A leo to guard the CHocolate and CHeese.

oh also CH stands for the
Confoederatio Helvetica , the latin name for Switzerland and thus Switzerland's country code is CH..Though my family tends to say it stands for Chocolate and Cheese.

here's some more info on the lion above:
The Swiss have a long tradition of supplying mercenaries to foreign governments. Because the Swiss have been politically neutral for centuries and have long enjoyed a reputation for honoring their agreements, a pope or emperor could be confident that his Swiss Guards wouldn't turn on him when the political winds shifted direction.The Swiss Guards' honor was put to the test in 1792, when--after trying to escape the French Revolution--King Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette, and their children were hauled back to the Tuileries Palace in Paris. A mob of working-class Parisians stormed the palace in search of aristocratic blood. More than 700 Swiss officers and soldiers died while defending the palace, without knowing that their royal employers--like Elvis--had left the building. In the early 1800s, the Danish artist Bertel Thorvaldsen was hired to sculpt a monument to the fallen Swiss Guards. The sculpture was carved in a sandstone cliff above the city center, near Lucerne's Glacier Garden and the Panorama, and it has attracted countless visitors since its dedication in 1821.

Sophia & Arleen you are both correct!
Lisa---you are in the right country, but it's not where you mentioned--but I'll give you the point....

points so far
Sophia 2pt.
Lisa 2pt.
Arleen 5pts
Suzanne 1pt.
Rox-Ann 1pt.


Mom was feeling better last night and kept telling me how sorry that she was so grumpy earlier in the day. I really didn't know what to say.... We watched t.v. and I stamped a bit, made 3 very simple cards....

Today looks like it will be a better day, well I hope so....

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Trying to do homework, no one wants to believe there is something up with the air in this house yet I am so warm it's not funny..
Grandparents brought dinner over even though mom told them not to, so now we have salads, grilled chicken, and a bunch of other stuff even though we already ate. This put mom in a bad mood--well actually a worse mood-as she is having a bad day. This weekend has really been mostly a bad week. She is less active which I can understand, but she complains a lot more than she ever has in the past.

I've been trying to do homework and just don't feel motivated to do it and every few minutes my grandma comes in to bug me and tell me how it's so awful that I have so much homework.. Umm well that's college grandma.... Now it's like can you take a 2minute break that turns into 10 minutes and then me feeling less motivated to do homework... I don't know if I want to do this...... Its always when I just sit down and get working on my stuff. Its take the dog out, sit down, go back to homework, can you do this, can you do that, load the washer, etc... Not that I mind, but I really want to finish this stuff... Getting nervous as I am confused by some of my homework and what I am suppose to do on Tuesday for the final... I'm looking forward to being in orlando once school is done this summer....

Now I am hearing the bathroom cabinet doors slam shut and a few grunts. I don't know how to feel as I want to get this homework/take home exam done but don't feel like it at all... All I want to do is jump into bed and take a nap.. It's going to be an interesting year....

Thank you!

Sophia just sent me this beautiful blogging award..

thanks again!

I believe I am to pass this award on to my fellow bloggers with the following rules..

The following rules apply to this award:

1. Only 5 people are allowed to receive this award

2. 4 of them followers of your blog.

3. One has to be new to your blog and live in another part of the world.

4. You must link back to who ever gave you the award.

So I will pass this award on to...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

All good on the Western front...

got home from the vet this morning and mags has a UTI, she's on antibiotics now... Oh my gosh she was such a good dog, she even let the vet techs put a muzzle on her. I couldn't believe it!!! The practice of putting a muzzle on at home seemed to help. Even the vet who has now seen her 3 or 4 times was surprised. Let's just say maggie loved it because after they were done she got treats from the vet and vet tech.. A very happy Maggie!!!!

Airs back on as well keeping the house nice and cool...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Home and Hot

Made it home in good time..
When I got home the house felt really good and now it's insanely hot... It's up to 86 in the house, which I know I shouldn't be complaining but....

I really can't take heat...

Mom and grandma seem to think that the power company is holding back energy and/or turning off certain things so that they can save power supply.. I disagree...How is it that the power company and can just turn off the a/c and not the t.v.---they can turn the t.v. off I don't mind at all...

I really don't know that I want to stay in this heat... errr......

Oh and making a trip to the vet at 8am tomorrow morning.. she's been having some problems with her bladder we found some blood in her urine.. so despite the fact that we brought a urine sample in once before the receptionist today when I went to bring the sample told me that they have to see the dog.. Great.... there goes a wasted morning---the dog hates when the people at the vet's office touch her-she gets vicious and turns into a completely different dog. so sad because she is such an awesome puppy with us...

off to go find out if there is a way to get the a/c working again or find a cool spot and stop panting...


Headed home to mom's today. It feels like its been forever and I'm ready for a bit of a break... my final for my reading class in on Tuesday and then it's almost a month of till I have a meeting for internship on the 26th of August. I'll be running back and forth between Orlando and mom's in August getting stuff done I hope...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

postcard from ????

a sequence of 4 rooms reminds us of his 4 Four Freedoms and fireside chats in this capitol city... (city and state). there is a number mentioned that is also significant...

extra point if you can name what this is?

Arleen was the only one to get #2 and now has this one

So Far
Sophia 1pt.
Lisa 1pt.
Arleen 3pt.
Suzanne 1pt.
Rox-Ann 1pt.

The person with the most points at the end will win the RAK from me...


Life happens.

Distance separates.

Children grow up.

Jobs come and go.

Love waxes and wanes.

Men don't do what they're supposed to do.

Hearts break.

Parents die.

Colleagues forget favors.

Careers end.


Sisters are there,

no matter how much time and how many miles are between you.

A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach.

When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on,praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end.

Monday, July 21, 2008

#2 in the postcard game....

EDIT----Greetings from atop The Duquesne Incline in Pittsburgh,PA. The incline is located on Grand Avenue atop the 3 rivers of the Ohio River,Allegheny River, and the Monongahela River.

This one might be a little bit more difficult to figure out so I'll include a clue...

oh what a grand view on this avenue a top 3 rivers...

good luck......

oh and remember these are places that I have been and there is a clue on the site that will help you in knowing where I've been...

Arleen---only one correct so far...


Congrats to

For all getting Paris and the Eiffel Tower-probably my favorite place in the whole wide world!!!

If you wondered where I got that awesome picture I actually pulled in from a 360 cam in Paris that I found thru a blog I read... here's the site if you are interested in seeing 360'/ web cams around the world!!!

A new contest to my blogging friends

With the change of my blog name.. I figured you know why not take the postcard thing a bit further...
So for the next 2 weeks I'm going to post a "postcard" and ask you to post where you think it is at...

I bet I'll post maybe 5 or 6 locals, the person with the most right will win a scrapbook RAK from me...
Don't worry about people seeing your answers as I have to confirm that your comment post to my blog-so just type the answer as to where the postcard is from. For example orlando,Florida or Barcelona,Spain will work... I'll tell you the pictures will be of places I have visited..

You will have the time from when I post the postcard to when I post the next postcard to get your answer in...

So you wanna play?

Here's your first Postcard....


So much in so little time.

well yesterday my old friend aka dello--the laptop decided he was done... he is completely gone and done for...

I spent yesterday in search of a new one and finally came home with an HP today..

the new puter has a webcam on it so had to play...

Friday, July 18, 2008

So many may have noticed I changed my blog title... I was getting sick of the other title and needed a change... Hmm only wish my posts were really big travel stories....

Anyway this week seemed to just go by in slow motion, most of it was spent with me sitting in front of the laptop doing homework...

Kind of scary yesterday actually as I got the effects of a migraine yesterday, something I haven't had since I was like 14. Blurred vision, pain in my eye, numb feeling in my hand....Not cool...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Happy Internet Place

As many of you know I love to travel! I recently found this site http://www.43places.com

Along with the awesome pictures of places all over the world they have a great little section of quotes (My second favorite thing to find)

“Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will-whatever we may think.”
- Lawrence Durrell

“Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.”
- Peter Hoeg

“Hitler didn't travel. Stalin didn't travel. Saddam Hussein never traveled. They didn't want to have their orthodoxy challenged.”
- Howard Gardner

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”
- Henry Miller

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.”
- Maya Angelou

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy Thoughts

“The use of travelling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.”
- Samuel Johnson

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Grumpy Feelings and Thoughts

I'm headed back to my apartment today, and in many ways I don't want to go... I'm sick of school already and we are only in week 3 of 6. Half done woohoo! Actually I'm sick of school in general, but I guess it's coming to an end soon. Internship will really get me where I find out if I really want to teach? LOL----what else would I do?

I guess I just like being home, I mean I like O-town but I'm ready for another change. I love my apartment, but O-town is changing like everything else...

Then I kind of feel different when I am home, not sure how I feel about that... Still kind of trying to balance...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Another Mini Book!!

Woohooo having fun now with these guys...

I have to thank Arleen for getting me into these little albums and taking the class with me that got me realizing that I could work with clear albums..

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Trying something new...

I don't typically like doing mini books or little altered projects. I just usually don't like how they come out and usually don't know what to put in them or where to store them, but for some reason my mind is changing...

Here's the latest for my travel collections: