Friday, July 25, 2008

Home and Hot

Made it home in good time..
When I got home the house felt really good and now it's insanely hot... It's up to 86 in the house, which I know I shouldn't be complaining but....

I really can't take heat...

Mom and grandma seem to think that the power company is holding back energy and/or turning off certain things so that they can save power supply.. I disagree...How is it that the power company and can just turn off the a/c and not the t.v.---they can turn the t.v. off I don't mind at all...

I really don't know that I want to stay in this heat... errr......

Oh and making a trip to the vet at 8am tomorrow morning.. she's been having some problems with her bladder we found some blood in her urine.. so despite the fact that we brought a urine sample in once before the receptionist today when I went to bring the sample told me that they have to see the dog.. Great.... there goes a wasted morning---the dog hates when the people at the vet's office touch her-she gets vicious and turns into a completely different dog. so sad because she is such an awesome puppy with us...

off to go find out if there is a way to get the a/c working again or find a cool spot and stop panting...