I've heard thunder for the last hour, it's loud and it feels like it's just standing over my house threatening to rain any second.
Apparently the man upstairs is having a really good bowling match with his friends.. I think he got a few spares and strikes...
But anyway...
I'm blah today, I lost my creativity. I'm thinking it took a long vacation and decided to stay there. I have my dt kit that I've been staring at for hours and I just can't get it to look good anywhere...Who knows.... All that trying to get things to work has made me so sleepy today. Just ran out to the grocery store and I feel like I went for hours at the mall....
oh a nap sounds so good.... I might open my blinds and watch the rain come from bed, maybe grab a good book and of course the dog and rest a little bit..
Hopefully tomorrow will bring some creative juices back....
Maybe the rain will spark new life in this un-creative soul for today!
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