Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall Cleaning.

I know it's suppose to be spring cleaning, but for some reason I'm an oddball and I get this urge to clean and re-arrange things in the fall.. I wish I had more time because I would start today. But there is no way I will get all my scrap stuff moved in one day along with tossing things. I have a lot of lug out to the trash and it's heavy stuff.. I have some chairs I need to toss and a few other things.. So my plan bearing any last minute homework add ons is to rearrange my apartment next weekend...
I'll Thursday afternoon to Sunday to do it..

Here's the plan..
Move the scrap stuff into the sunroom-where there is a wall of windows for some natural light. Only downside is there is no t.v. in there and I tend to watch t.v. and scrap quite often. Oh well...
Second move couch from one wall into the area that is suppose to be the dinning room that is now my scrap area. That way it falls on an already painted wall and in a big comfy spot. Then I will move the t.v. over a bit so that I have a direct view of the t.v. and maybe I will actually sit and watch t.v. It will be the first thing you see when you venture up the stairs into my apartment. Then I will move the computer desk and printer stand to where the couch was. This will allow for access to the t.v. as well.. Then I will move the table which is in the sun room now to where the computer desk is right now. It will sit next to 2 windows and maybe I'll actually eat there for once..

Here's the plan....


The change.


ScrapAddict said...

Oh! Look how organized you are with your drawing and all! I'm not that good, I just MOVE stuff!